Newsletter for Feb. 24

* Welcome back from the President’s Day holiday! I hope you are rested and ready for our final 32 school days before state testing begins on April 11.
* I have mapped out all of math units that we need to cover before state testing. This year we don’t have as much preparation time due to the Spring Break schedule, so our math time will be aggressive. It will occasionally mean covering two sections a day, so please make sure your child stays current in math.
* We will be having a math test on geometry on Thursday Feb. 24. It will count toward the third trimester grade.
* In order to help students who need a little more help in some math concepts, we are starting a lunch time and after school program. Beginning Thursday, some students will be required to go to the computer lab during lunch time to work with our aide, Aida.
In addition, I will be reteaching some key concepts after school to students who need some extra help. The session will run from 2:40 to 3:40 on Mondays and Tuesdays, and you will need to provide transportation to pick up your child at 3:40. If your child needs to be at the after school session, I will send home an information sheet for you to sign and return. Our first session will be on Monday Feb. 28 covering negative numbers.
* Next week students will begin working on their book report on the biography they have been reading in February. For March, the book assignment is any full length non-fiction book (including another biography, if desired).
* Conferences begin the week of March 7. Anyone may request a conference, but we will only be requiring conferences for students with a grade less than C-. Everyone will get a conference sheet from me, so look on it to see if you need to attend. E-mail me if you’re not sure if you need to come or not.
* Students need to bring their math compass to school next week.
* We need some old magazines for an English project we will be doing soon, so any donations of magazines with advertisements will be appreciated!
* Yosemite. We need to give our 90-day student count to the Yosemite Institute on Monday Feb. 28. Directora Linda sent home update sheets on Wednesday Feb. 23 for the amount each student has in their account toward the trip.
Please be sure you have paid at least $260 in any combination of cash, checks, and raffle ticket sales for your child by Feb. 28. Please make checks payable to Adelante School and turn them in to Margarita in the office. Thanks!

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