- Field trip next Tuesday to the Asian Art Museum in SF. Contact Maestra Anna for details.
- Conferences start next Monday. I sent home conference sheets on Tuesday. Conferences are 15 minutes, drop in anytime there is an opening shown on the schedule.
Thursday Evening
- Vocabulary Builder due tomorrow
- Math test tomorrow
- Math pg. 375-376; odd problems, and show work
Tuesday Evening
Math pg. 480, all evens; pg. 498, #2-26 evens
6B: read the persuasive essay on rock music and identify on a sheet of paper the items of a persuasive essay that make up this essay. (Hook, thesis, PRO arguments, CON arguments, reasons for arguments, rebuttals, conclusion, ties to PROs etc.)
Monday Evening
- Math pg 493 all problems
- New reading log
- Vocabulary builder is due Friday