
My grading structure is straightforward and conventional.

  • Every graded assignment will be awarded points for correct answers.
  • Some math questions will allow points just for showing work and trying.
  • The total correct score will then be divided by the total possible score, and a percentage given. Thus, if you get 40 right out of 50 on an exam, you get 80% for that assignment..

All assignments for a trimester will be added up and divided by the total possible for a final percentage.

Letter grades will be determined on total points earned from any of the following:

  • Quizzes
  • Chapter Exams
  • Reports
  • Oral Reports
  • Projects
  • Participation Points (up to 10% of total)


  • Reports and projects that are not turned in will receive a zero. This is a real “killer” for your grade. Don’t let this happen!
  • Assignments that are turned in late will be penalized points, unless arrangements are made with me ahead of the due date. Refer to our policy handout from the beginning of the year for more information.


I believe that it is more important for a student to come away from the class understanding the material and the concepts than it is to just get answers right on an exam. I recognize that students learn at different rates, and that it may take extra time for some people to learn the course material. For this reason, any student may make arrangements with me to retake a quiz or exam (not homework) to get a better score and grade. Retakes must be done before the end of trimester grade closing period set by the school.


Up to 10% of the trimester grade will be based upon participation. These are not “throw away” points or points tacked on to raise a mediocre grade. Students who actively participate, ask questions, and are proactive will receive the maximum amount of participation points. Students who participate less will receive fewer participation points, and students who rarely participate and do not make good use of class time will receive few or no participation points.



My Opinion

97 – 100 %
A +

Very good understanding of the course material

94 – 96 %
90 – 93 %
87 – 89 %
B +
84 – 86 %

Understanding most of the course material

80 – 83 %
B –
77 – 79 %
C +

Understanding only some of the course material

74 – 76 %
70 – 73 %
C –
67 – 69 %
D +

Not understanding the material

64 – 66 %
60 – 63 %
D –
59 % and below

Why I grade with an A+

It is my opinion that a student should not have to be perfect in order to get an A in my class. Some students “stress out” over trying to be perfect on tests. Perfectionism can lead to feelings of being inadequate, because it is impossible to be perfect.

I do not want students who are doing great work to ever feel inadequate in my classes, so that it why it is possible to score a 94% and still get a “straight A” from me.


Cheating will not be tolerated, and people caught cheating on quizzes or exams will be given a zero for the whole exam.

People cheat for a variety of reasons, but I think the main three are:

  • Not being prepared because of not doing the homework and studying
  • Fear of failure, or not being perfect
  • Laziness

My policies of allowing people to retake tests, and being able to get a straight A with a 94%, should help people not be afraid to try and fail, because they can try again and don’t have to be perfect.

The cheater tries to fool others (the teacher, school, parent, classmates, and themselves) into thinking that the cheater understands more than they really know. But who cares, really? A year from now, who will care what grade was received on a test today? Testing is only a measurement to let the student, parent, and school know how well the student is learning.

Look, the whole point of taking classes is to learn how to do things and learn how the world operates. Also, all classes taken in the future build upon what is learned in the present and past, so learning the material now allows the student to build a strong foundation for later lifelong learning.

The cheater is deprived (cheated) out of building a strong foundation of knowledge. The cheater won‘t be successful in the future because of that weak foundation. The cheater remains ignorant and robs them self of the chance to learn in the future, and to learn now.