Spelling Test Feb. 8

Spelling for week of Jan 28-Feb 4

osmosis – to learn gradually over time; scientific term for passage of fluid across a membrane
“I learned how to speak French by osmosis.”

superintendent – a person who oversees work or an organization
“Jan Christiansen is the superintendent of the Redwood City School District.”

entity – something that has real existence
“She had divided her wealth into several legal entities.”

dynamic – energy or effective motion; change
“I work for a dynamic company.”

hypnosis – awake sleep; a trance
“I discovered why I was angry when I was under hypnosis.”

rehabilitate (rehab) – to restore to good health
“He spent weeks at the hospital to rehabilitate his leg after the accident.”

hydraulic – operated or moved by water or liquid
“The hydraulic system runs the brakes in your car.”

cosmos – the universe
“How small is earth in the cosmos.”

arsenal – a place where weapons are stored
“Never argue with him; he has a large arsenal of insults.”

taxidermy – the art of preserving the skins of animals for display in a lifelike form
“She sent her dead pet to the taxidermy shop so she would always have Fluffy with her.”

vaudeville – theater performance of many individual acts; a variety show
“Vaudeville was popular in the early 1900s.”

Luxembourg – small country in Europe between France, Germany, and Belgium
“When I go to France this summer, I will also visit Luxembourg.”

congest – to overfill; clog
“Traffic was really congested after the accident.”

Yule – Christmas, or the Christmas season
“Mom always makes a Yule cake at Christmas.”

illuminate – to brighten with light
“We need to illuminate the dark room.”

alley – the small space between buildings
“Don’t walk in dark alleys.”

alloy – the mixture of 2 or more metals
“Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc.”

ally – to join or unite; a friend who will fight with you
“The allys defeated the Nazis in World War II.”

foreword – the beginning part of a book

“The author told us his reasons for writing the book in the foreword.”

forward – to move to the front
“If we don’t move forward, we’ll be stuck here all night.”

froward – stubborn, disobedient, contrary (does the opposite)
“The froward dog made a poor pet.”

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