Newsletter for Oct 27

* This is a reminder that Monday is a teacher work day and there is no school.
* The very last day to submit makeup tests or missing work for this trimester is Wednesday Nov. 3. Progress reports were sent out weeks ago, so please check with your child or email me if you have concerns about missing work and grades.
* The 2nd Yosemite payment of $134 is now due for people who have not paid the full amount. Please make your checks out to Adelante School, put your child’s name and ‘Yosemite’ on the memo line, and have your child give the check to Directora Linda or Merced in the office.
* If you are still undecided about having your child go to Yosemite for our end of the year science and farewell trip, it’s not too late to sign up! Please contact Maestro Chris, Maestra Anna, or Directora Linda if you would like information about the trip, or to get answers to any concerns you may have.
* The librarian sent out reminder sheets with the names of books that were checked out last year but never returned to the school library. Please find and send in any school library books or the money to pay for missing books.
* We have almost used up all of the Kleenex in our classroom! Please send in a box with your child. We will really need it as we progress into Fall and Winter.

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