Homework for Feb. 17-22


  • Math pg. 349 all problems
  • Reading Log
  • Vocabulary Builder for next Friday
  • Late Vocabulary Builder that was due (1/2 the class!)

Thursday Evening

  • Vocabulary Builder due Friday
  • Math worksheet due Friday
  • Math pg. 346-347, problems 1-16 all
  • Write the Intro paragraph for your persuasion paper (see below)

How to write the introductory paragraph for the persuasion paper.

You need the following items:

  1. A sentence that gives your topic (thesis).
  2. A CON argument from your essay, with a rebuttal.
  3. Something interesting to get the reader’s attention. (This is called a “hook.” Think of a fish hook catching a fish.) For this exercise, use imagery (a mental picture) as your hook.


Imagine the total number of hours that a sixth grade student spends in school every week. It’s thirty-three hours, almost the same as a full forty hour work week for an adult! Students need a shorter school day. Some people may think that kids would waste their time if they got home earlier from school, but in reality, the extra time at home is needed for homework. Today, the hours a student spends in school are almost as bad as the hours children spent working at sewing machines in factories in the 1800’s.

The blue text is the thesis (topic).

The red text is the CON argument.

The green text is the rebuttal to the CON argument.

The purple text is the hook, a mental picture, or image.

In this example, the first two sentences are also a hook, because it gets the reader’s attention.

Both of these hooks use exaggeration, which also draws the reader in. (The exaggeration is that 33 hours isn’t really too close to an adult’s work week, and the 33 hours includes 5 hours of lunch and recess, so the school week is really only 28 hours long. Also,  children in factories actually worked 12-14 hour days, which is more than double the time kids go to school today.)

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